suffering from short term memory loss
was thinking of what to post, then started coughing
then went to take cough syrup
then forgot what it was i wanted to write
even my sentence structure is becoming whacked
i only remember it was something about matches
and a lot of burning
a lot of burning
will try to come back to that idea
damned short term memory loss
i, i , can't remember............
still sick
was so sick that i missed work today
literally coughed till i cried and vomitted, really
its that bad
feel so sorry for all the little kids that missed out on a chance to contract a possible fatal (for them, not me, i hope) respiratory related disease, which they could then pass on to their classmates and teachers in school, who would then pass it on to their families who would pass it on to their colleagues, friends, boss, etc......
i had a chance to potentially cripple malaysia's economy today, and i wasted it by staying in bed...
am i sick, crazy, or both?
or is it the fever talking....
ya, must be....
i'm normally such a nice guy right?????
coughing non stop.
life seems less bearable when you're sick
ever feel that when you feel good, the world seems like a nicer place, making you feel better?
the inverse is definitely true.
also, if you read every third letter of this post, you will find a hidden message.
well, not in english......, you're really free aren't you
but if you can read swastilikuligoblargian... you will understand what the message is
i did not convert to christianity
i just went back to my old high school
sooooo many new faces
some even said hi to me though for the life of me i cannot remember their names
fell so bad
even the staff has seen some major changes
bloody tired
exam results
really underwhelming
really really underwhelming
screw it la
hate exams la
get in the way of magic
soooo much magic
played too much magic if that is at all possible
been out with melvin, win, mohan (thanks for the ride man)
friday comics corner
saturday cce in old klang road
wednesday manawerx
sooo many
at least the fish deck is doing well enough
still undefeated against any decks with islands
red decks though...
any ideas?