A snapshot of Hall Life

Living in a hall can be fun, or it can suck.
usually it lies in between the thwo extremes, but tends to swing to the sucky side a bit too much for my liking.

One of the things you can't control is the people you live with.

Just at dinner today, the guy living in the room next to me runs out and asks me to help him remove a bug in his room.

picture this, a guy in his early 20s, needing help to remove a bug, an insect not even a quarter of a tenth of a hundreth his size.

turned out the bug wasn't even poisonous, just a leafhopper that got in by mistake (to a room on the 5th floor! no less, must have been a really high jump for a leafhopper)

oh, did i mention he was studying environmental science?
and that he mentioned that he did a vivisection of a grasshopper just the day before?

forget women, i'll never even understand men......
