i've been away for nigh a week now
and i can't say it's great to be back
see, the thing about holidays is that it drives home the point that you can only run away from your responsibilities for so much time before they all start catching up to you
i had a great time and even the numerous minor faults could detract from what was overall a great trip.
now that i'm back
tis time to write about some stuff that's been nagging me for a long time
i'm still single
though it's not for a lack of trying
more work needs to be done
it could be due to the fact that i am nowhere near cool
i am a geek
and proud to be one
i obsess with stuff that has no bearing on reality, and i spend so much time on my hobbies that i even think i can get chummy with people who i know nothing about except what they write in their forum posts
for instance
richie profitt (a.k.a. polarbeargod on mtgsalvation forums) died sometime this month (june 9th i think, but i can't be sure) and i was actually sad to hear it
i live on the other side of the globe from him,
have never met him in person
yet i was still participating in the spamming of the forums over the next 2 weeks in a torrent of (digital) grief
i know i miss him
and not getting to read his posts or see his amazing artwork anymore is something that i still can't get to grips with
it's just kinda sad
but somehow it just goes to show how many geeks there are like me out there
who idolise geeks who are geekier than us
by the way, he died of diabetes
on june 29
starcitygames is hosting a richie profitt memorial tournament
details here
i should just quote some of the lines from the article
"Matter of fact, this is such a huge outpouring of love and support, what about the idea of holding a yearly tournament? Richie Proffitt ultimately lost his life due to a fight with Diabetes. Diabetes kills millions each year and while this year the funds we raise are going directly to Richie’s family, what if next year we raised money for the American Diabetes Association?
This would give Magic something akin to Child’s Play, the awesome yearly Christmas project run by the guys at Penny Arcade. While we certainly can’t match their scale, I believe we can definitely show the world that Magic players are not all math nerds who only worry about the next foil Mythic rare. Magic is a game of friends, good times, and fantastic experiences, and I try to show that every week. To allow us to do some good with our fun, that sounds like a win-win situation to me."
now you must excuse me
i have been sleep deprived for the past week
need a recharge of souls
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