
is something that i will be losing very soon

bloody hell i hate children

especially young snotty nosed children

especially if i have to endure 2 hours every week trying to make them learn how to use an abacus.

especially if i can't beat the shit out of them (technically i can, but the consequences...... just goes to make everything more frustrating)

today i started class 20,
repeat for emphasis
dua puluh
minutes late, due to swapping students with my colleague who has a lot of higher level students and who doesn't want to have to deal with standard 1 kids

she's smart

between having the elections on the 8th and school holidays on the 15th
i haven't seen the kids for 2 weeks, which explains why i have been in a relatively "unblack" mood lately.

it's quite surprising, how do kids have this knack for forgetting?
is it an inborn talent or something that their parents subconsciously implant in their minds just to make us teachers' job that much harder, not that it was easy to begin with.

suffice to say the 1st hour was spent revising everything we had done for the past 4 weeks.
i mean everything.

the last hour was a case study in how to raise a person's blood pressure 200 fold in as short a period as possible.

imagine this
i tried to teach them just a simple formula for addition
i showed them that i have ten fingers, and closing 9 fingers, the remainder is 1
i asked them to do it too, and they happily did.
so far so good.

next i asked them to repeat the formula, chant it actually,
really chant it
like "plus 9 equals plus 10 minus 1" for more than 20 times

then i gave them some rudimentary exercises on the abacus, which they did

so far so good

now begins the nightmare

asked 1 boy (name omitted) what is +9, and he gives me this sweet stare, as if trying to say "teacher, i'm here to raise your f%&*ing blood pressure by being f%^&ing forgetful, what you gonna do about it?"


asked them to chant the mantra again.
another 20 times
which being little kids, they do, almost over-zealously.
i need new eardrums


ask another girl, "what is +9?"
at least she was kind enough to "just" give me a blank stare.

damn it all

you f$%^ers just chanted the f@#$ing formula 40 times and i ask you what is +9 and you stare at me?
i prompt you with the next few words and you still stare at me?

what the f%^&

i have never cursed so much inside without actually verbally cursing

god save their parents if they are like this at home

i need an ice pack.

seems like a good time to take a tangential thought on how we are at our most expressive when we are pissed off..
not much to say when we are happy right?
comments welcome.