an animal love told by a monkey

author's note: you need to be proficient in lolspeak to understand this post

she wuz mai neighbur
i long tiem i iz lieking her
but find it diffikult to tell

funny pictures

den one dayz i did

she sez

cute puppy pictures

it wuz all smooth sailing from there

humorous pictures

Humorous Pictures

til one day she found out my sekrit
i iz gangsta kitteh
bein hunted by gang

humorous pictures

den she do dis

funny pictures

dey lots of bad kittehs
lotsa lotsa bad kittehs

humorous pictures

dey come 4 me and cage me

funny pictures

she sez to me

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i sez yes

adn the itteh bitteh kitteh commitee in de sky wuz touched,

Humorous Pictures

dey sendz angel to guard me

not dat angel,

dis angel

Humorous Pictures

adn so de bad kittehs were foiled

Funny Pictures

i goez find her and asks


she sez

funny pictures

i so happyz i do dis

funny pictures


Humorous Pictures

den we livez happili eva after adn haz lotsa littel kittehs

funny pictures

teh end

bonus pics

for iewnihc

this is a shark

funny pictures


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