health services

took my muet speaking test yesterday

got some random topic like whether the health services in malaysia should be improved or not

now i just want to rant for a while so bear with me

doctors are the most maltreated class of humans on the face of the earth (don't give a damn about what happens beneath the surface)
especially doctors in the employ of the government

they work 36 hour shifts
get nuts for pay
and they see nuts everyday at work
its a wonder they don't crack (get it, nutcracker, oh never mind)

i think the government does this on purpose
if you want to treat the patient well, you can't just sympathize with the patient, you have to emphatize.
that's why the doctors are put through hell, so that no matter what the patient goes through, the doctor can understand perfectly what kind of pain it is.
this also helps to ease the pain of losing a patient,
if they die, they're obviously moving on to a better place compared to the living hell that is a government hospital....

only a fool will choose medicine as a career

apparently there are a lot of people in my class who chose to do medicine or a related field....
that explains a lot


SB_ZhunHan said...

eh...y ur topic wif mine same 1...noob wei u XD