celebrations......and an obituary

yes, it is exactly as you see.
a charming young lady has seen it fit to bestow upon me the honor of receiving a cake.

the occasion

teacher's day

the charming young lady in question

the cake in question
looks delicious doesn't it?

appreciation is never a bad thing
thank you alicia!
cake good

humorous pictures

now on to the bad news
ftz is dead

this was taken at the scene of the murder


at 12 pm.
on a monday

teh horror!

the murderer in his arrogance saw fit to leave his calling card

we're coming for you.
run and hide assholes

we're coming for you!

bonus pics

funny pictures

funny pictures

no comments

and it was obviously coincidence
(you know, stars aligning just right with the tectonic plates of the earth balh blah blah)

that a turtle and an ostrich appear together